World University Service of Canada (WUSC)

This article, written by Philip Girvan, StFXAUT Communications Officer, appeared in the Summer 2019 edition of The Beacon. The Winter 2018 issue of The Beacon profiled the World University Service of Canada (WUSC), the specific role of the StFX WUSC Society, and WUSC’s Student Refugee Program (SRP). The SRP is a resettlement program that provides […]

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Negotiation of the Collective Agreement

This message, published in the Summer 2019 edition of The Beacon, was written by StFXAUT President Mary Oxner. The Fourth Collective Agreement between the Board of Governors of St. Francis Xavier University and the StFXAUT expired on June 30, 2019. What happens when the contract expires?Prior to its expiration, we provided notice of the intent […]

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President’s Message

This message, published in the Summer 2019 edition of The Beacon, was written by StFXAUT President Mary Oxner. Dear Members, As summer begins, we reflect on highlights observed from the most recent academic year. A significant list of tenure and promotion announcements, numerous research presentations and panels on campus, successful hiring processes, presentations by guest […]

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Masters Thesis Supervision Teaching Credit

The following was sent to StFX University Faculty on Thursday October 10, 2018. Dear Colleagues, A Committee to examine Master’s Thesis Supervision Teaching Credit has finished its work and made recommendations to the University and the AUT. We thank Richard Isnor, Petra Hauf, Ranke de Vries, Mike Melchin, and Russell Wyeth for their consultation and […]

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2018 StFXAUT Book Prize Awards

This article, written by StFXAUT Executive Assistant Susan MacKay, appears in the Summer 2018 edition of The Beacon. The StFXAUT would like to congratulate the 2018 Book Prize Award recipients Corrina Degen (Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Development Studies) and Kelsey Fahie (Bachelor of Arts in Human Kinetics). Each student was presented with a […]

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Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Solidarity Network (BTS)

This article, written by Janette Fecteau, BTS Member and Part-time Academic Instructor in Fine Arts, appears in the Summer 2018 edition of The Beacon. The StFXAUT has had a rewarding connection with the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Solidarity Network (BTS) for close to 20 years. Members of our Union have invited speakers from Guatemala into […]

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These reminders appear in the Summer 2018 issue of The Beacon. The next deadline to submit the StFXAUT Sponsorship Policy and Application Form is Monday, October 1. Please note that applications can be submitted any time before this deadline. The StFXAUT invites sponsorship requests from organizations committed to education, labour, social justice, and community development. […]

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Alumni Shout-out: Marc Champoux

This interview, written by Philip Girvan, StFXAUT Communications Officer, appears in the Summer 2018 edition of The Beacon. The Beacon regularly features interviews with StFX University Alumni on the topic of their relationships with StFXAUT Members who challenged, inspired, or helped in some way. This issue’s interview is with Marc Champoux (BBA ’88). Marc works as […]

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September 2018 President’s Message

This message, published in the Summer 2018 edition of The Beacon, was written by StFXAUT President Mary Oxner. Dear Members, The summer in Antigonish was uncharacteristically hot and many of our colleagues were displaced out of their offices for the summer months. Our campus welcomed Special Olympians, coaches, family and friends from across Canada. The […]

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