To Eat An Almond

This article, written by StFXAUT Communications Officer Philip Girvan, originally appeared in the Spring/Summer 2017 edition of The Beacon. On April 27, 2017 a year ahead of schedule and less than a month after reaching an earlier milestone of $70,000, StFX for Syrian-Antigonish Families Embrace (SAFE) reached a fundraising goal of $100,000. These funds will […]

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Alumni Shout-out: Alexis MacDonald

This interview, conducted by StFXAUT President Mary Oxner, originally appeared in the Spring/Summer 2017 edition of The Beacon. The Beacon regularly features interviews with StFX University Alumni on the topic of their relationships with StFXAUT Members who challenged, inspired, or helped in some way. This issue’s interview is with Alexis MacDonald (Psychology ’99 with First […]

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StFX World University Service of Canada (WUSC) Society

This article, written by StFXAUT Communications Officer Philip Girvan, appeared in the Winter 2018 edition of The Beacon. The World University Service of Canada (WUSC) is, according to their website, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing education, employment, and empowerment opportunities for youth around the world”. WUSC has local committees across Canada including the StFX […]

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Alumna Shout-out: Rita Campbell

This interview, conducted by StFXAUT President Mary Oxner, appears in the Winter 2018 edition of The Beacon. The Beacon regularly features interviews with StFX University Alumni on the topic of their relationships with StFXAUT Members who challenged, inspired, or helped in some way. This issue’s interview is with Rita Campbell (BSc, Math Honours, ‘78). The […]

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StFXAUT Sponsorship Application

The next deadline to submit the StFXAUT Sponsorship Application Form is Saturday, April 1st.  The StFXAUT invites sponsorship requests from organizations committed to education, labour, social justice, and community development.

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MSc/MA Supervision Credit

This article, written by Russell Wyeth, appears in the Winter 2017 issue of The Beacon. Following the conclusion of our recent collective bargaining process, an inequality amongst our members has been established. Faculty in Education will receive teaching credit for supervision of Master’s theses, while faculty in science and the arts will not (Section 1.3.6 […]

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Getting to Know You: Kelly Thompson

This article, written by Philip Girvan, will appear in the Winter 2017 issue of The Beacon. In 2001, Kelly Thompson and his family moved to Antigonish from Saskatchewan when his then spouse was hired at StFX. As luck would have it, the Human Kinetics Department was looking to fill both a lab position and a skills […]

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Committee Reports

ANSUT (Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers) by Bruce Sparks As the AUT’s representative to the Association of Nova Scotia University Teachers (ANSUT) I attended the three regular meetings held during the academic year 2015-2016. Unlike last year (the year of Bill 100) there were no obviously dramatic issues. Meetings continued to be very useful forums […]

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On (some of) the problems with merit pay

Written by Brad Long, this article first appeared in the Spring 2016 edition of The Beacon Academic excellence lives within our ranks; although the Administration can provide the conditions that enable excellence to flourish, the realization of excellence rests with members of the StFXAUT who are on the front lines of delivering the academic mission of […]

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Precarious Employment

Written by Philip Girvan, this article appears in the Spring 2016 issue of The Beacon “The general consensus is that the longer you spend as a contract academic, whatever you want to call it, part-time instructor the worse off it is for you.” – Anon The Winter 2016 issue of The Beacon highlighted issues raised […]

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