CAUT Dedicated Service Award Recipients 2024

Very pleased to report that StFXAUT members Ken MacAulay, Mary Oxner, and Bruce Sparks have been selected as recipients of the CAUT Dedicated Service Award. The CAUT Dedicated Service Award was established in 2003 to recognize individuals for exceptional service to their faculty associations. Recipients are nominated by their association. Please follow the link to […]

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September 2023 Bargaining update

Today, September 7, 2023 marks 433 days since the Fifth Collective Agreement between the StFXAUT and the Board of Governors of StfX University expired. Where do things stand? Read today’s Bargaining Bulletin and find out!

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A Culture of Entitlement at StFX

Please find linked [PDF] the StFXAUT Bulletin, “Culture of Entitlement @ StFX” outlining the exorbitant spending on administration at StFX that led to the more than doubling of overall compensation for senior administration over the past 10 years, and comparing it to the moderate increases in compensation costs for AUT Members. As per the final […]

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Standing in Solidarity

In 2021-2022, StFXAUT Members provided strike support to the following Canadian Faculty Associations: Acadia University $2,000 Concordia University of Edmonton $1,000 L’Association des professeurs, professeures et bibliothécaires de l’Université Sainte-Anne $1,000 University of Lethbridge $3,000 University of Manitoba $2,000 University of Ontario Institute of Technology $1,000    

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Key Dates from the 5th StFXAUT Collective Agreement

Key Dates from the 5th StFXAUT Collective Agreement[PDF]: April 15: Applications for URPTA, based on research or publication, shall be made to the appropriate Dean, at the Faculty members’ initiative, by April 15 of each academic year. (Article 2.7.1 University Research/Publication/Teaching Awards:3.1) May 15: Each librarian shall submit to the University Librarian a copy of […]

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Mandatory COVID- 19 Vaccine Mandate for StFX

The Following is excerpted from the August 24, 2021 News Release [PDF]: The St. Francis Xavier University Association of University Teachers (StFXAUT) is calling on the Administration at the University to institute a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Students, faculty, and staff who can get the vaccine should be required to do so. Those who cannot […]

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Key Dates from the 5th StFXAUT Collective Agreement

May 31st: The Chair /Coordinator/Director shall inform each Faculty Member, Lab Instructor, and Nurse Educator of the Member’s teaching assignment for the forthcoming Academic year. (Articles 2.0.2:2.1 b, 4.4:8.2, and 5.7:5.0) Faculty Members and Librarians who qualified for a sabbatical leave but the leave was not granted are required to send a letter to their […]

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Laurentian University Situation

This article, published in the Spring 2021 edition of The Beacon, was written by StFXAUT Communications Officer Philip Girvan and CAUT Vice-President Peter McInnis. “I think it’s fair to say we’ve become a poster child for strategic planning in Canadian university sector.” — then Laurentian University (LU) President Dominic Giroux in 2017 On February 1, […]

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Fall 2020 President’s Message

This message, published in the Fall 2020 edition of The Beacon, was written by StFXAUT President Martin van Bommel. Dear StFXAUT Members, Just over nine months ago we lost our old normal and began to adjust to our new reality. I must admit, I do not like it. Zoom and Teams meetings are poor alternatives […]

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UNIFOR Local 2107

This article, written by Philip Girvan, StFXAUT Communications Officer, appears in the Summer 2019 edition of The Beacon. The Beacon’s Spring 2018 issue profiled CUPE Local 1636, the Union representing StFX Safety and Security Services employees. This issue profiles UNIFOR Local 2107’s StFX University bargaining unit. StFX employees from the largest of the eight bargaining […]

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