This article, written by Martin Sastri, originally appeared in the Fall 2016 Issue of the Beacon. Fair Employment Week is an annual campaign promoted by the Canadian Association of University Teachers. Taking its origins from a state-wide mobilization of instructors at community colleges in California, Fair Employment Week has grown to become an annual week of […]

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President’s Message – Fall 2016

This message, written by StFXAUT President Mary Oxner, first appeared in the Fall 2016 issue of The Beacon. Dear Members, As we near the end of any year, we often reflect on what transpired during that year. In 2016, we successfully negotiated our 4th Collective Agreement, engaged numerous committees to work on issues which affect […]

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Getting to Know You: The StfX Music Department

This article, written by Philip Girvan, originally appeared in the Fall 2016 edition of The Beacon. The headline at the top of the “About” section of the StFX website informs visitors that “StFX is known for the quality of our teaching, small class sizes creating an intimate and collaborative learning environment, and our valuable hands-on […]

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Upcoming (late Summer / early Fall) key Dates and Deadlines in the Third Collective Agreement

This notice, prepared by Susan MacKay, originally appeared in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon.   September 15th: Letters of intent for Faculty wishing to apply for tenure and/or advancement in rank are due. Article 2.1.5 (p. 64) and Article 2.1.6 (p.64).   October 1st: Faculty members’ Academic Dossiers are complete and submitted in […]

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In Support of and in Solidarity with Our Community Members

This update, by Susan MacKay, originally published in the Summer 2016 Edition of The Beacon. The StFXAUT Executive provided a $1,000 donation to the Concordia University Faculty Association (CUFA) in support of Dr. Homa Hoodfar.  To learn more about how you, too, can support Dr. Hoodfar, please visit the Free Homa Hoodfar website:  http://www.homahoodfar.org/ In May, […]

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Equity in the Classroom

Written by Rhonda Semple, this article originally appeared in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon. September is welcomed by most academics with a mixture of excitement about the promise of new courses and fresh minds, and the resignation that not all (or any) of our great new assignments will work as planned and that […]

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Alumni Shout-out: Amanda Stanec

This interview, conducted by Philip Girvan, originally appeared in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon. The Beacon regularly features interviews with StFX University alumni on the topic of STFXAUT members who challenged, inspired, or helped in some way. This issue’s interview is with Dr. Amanda Stanec (BSc ’98), owner of Move Live Learn, where she […]

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Getting to Know You: Colleen Cameron

This article, based on a interview with Colleen Cameron conducted by Philip Girvan, appears in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon. The Fall academic session marks Colleen Cameron’s last as full-time teaching faculty with the Coady International Institute (she retired from the School of Nursing last year). However, her history with Coady precedes her teaching career: “My […]

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On (some of) the problems with merit pay

Written by Brad Long, this article first appeared in the Spring 2016 edition of The Beacon Academic excellence lives within our ranks; although the Administration can provide the conditions that enable excellence to flourish, the realization of excellence rests with members of the StFXAUT who are on the front lines of delivering the academic mission of […]

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Dear StFXAUT, We Need to Talk About Service…

Written by Rachel Hurst and Charlene Weaving, this article appears in the Spring 2016 issue of The Beacon Recently, the topic of service has come up for discussion in the StFXAUT; the last issue of The Beacon included the article “The Value of Service,” by Mathias Nilges and the recent Contract & Benefits survey assured […]

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