President’s Message – Winter 2017

President’s Message appears in the Winter 2017 issue of The Beacon This academic year has focused on the negotiation and implementation of our new Collective Agreement. Our own negotiations occurred in a larger context of labour action from those associated with our academic environment. As of December 14, 2016, we signed a new Collective Agreement, […]

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Getting to Know You: Kelly Thompson

This article, written by Philip Girvan, will appear in the Winter 2017 issue of The Beacon. In 2001, Kelly Thompson and his family moved to Antigonish from Saskatchewan when his then spouse was hired at StFX. As luck would have it, the Human Kinetics Department was looking to fill both a lab position and a skills […]

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The StFXAUT Stands with the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA)

This article, written by Susan MacKay, originally appeared in the Fall 2016 issue of The Beacon. In support of and in solidarity with our colleagues at the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA), the StFXAUT donated $1,000 as a demonstration of that support during the Association’s 21-day strike.  Some of UMFA’s central concerns include workload protection […]

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CAUT Librarians & Archivists Conference (October 21-22, 2016)

This article, written by Suzanne van den Hoogen, originally appeared in the Fall 2016 issue of The Beacon. Academic Librarians represent a unique group within the academy. Like our faculty colleagues, we face many of the same workplace challenges – from basic conditions of employment to equity, research, teaching, professional development, and academic freedom. Additionally, […]

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Upcoming (late Summer / early Fall) key Dates and Deadlines in the Third Collective Agreement

This notice, prepared by Susan MacKay, originally appeared in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon.   September 15th: Letters of intent for Faculty wishing to apply for tenure and/or advancement in rank are due. Article 2.1.5 (p. 64) and Article 2.1.6 (p.64).   October 1st: Faculty members’ Academic Dossiers are complete and submitted in […]

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CAUT Labour Day Statement

The message below is the CAUT Labour Day Statement originally published by the CAUT. The message also appears in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon.  (Ottawa – September 1, 2016) The Canadian Association of University Teachers marks Labour Day by recognizing and celebrating the contributions of the trade union movement in Canada. Through collective representation and […]

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President’s Message

Originally published in the Summer 2016 edition of The Beacon. The beginning of any academic term is, for most, an exciting time of year as we welcome new students and new StFXAUT members, introduce new instructional strategies and elements into our courses and labs, and continue the journey of developing students’ skills in communication, critical […]

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On (some of) the problems with merit pay

Written by Brad Long, this article first appeared in the Spring 2016 edition of The Beacon Academic excellence lives within our ranks; although the Administration can provide the conditions that enable excellence to flourish, the realization of excellence rests with members of the StFXAUT who are on the front lines of delivering the academic mission of […]

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Precarious Employment

Written by Philip Girvan, this article appears in the Spring 2016 issue of The Beacon “The general consensus is that the longer you spend as a contract academic, whatever you want to call it, part-time instructor the worse off it is for you.” – Anon The Winter 2016 issue of The Beacon highlighted issues raised […]

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