Support from NOSMFSA for StFXAUT

As President of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and
Staff Association (NOSMFSA) I would like to send support and
solidarity to the members of StFx Association of University Teachers.
We understand the actions your membership have taken in order to
support your negotiating team in achieving a fair contract.


From: Yuk-Sem Won
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 3:03 PM
To: stfxaut
Cc: Geoffrey Hudson
Subject: Support from NOSMFSA for StFXAUT


Greetings of Solidarity,


As President of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and
Staff Association (NOSMFSA) I would like to send support and
solidarity to the members of StFx Association of University Teachers.
We understand the actions your membership have taken in order to
support your negotiating team in achieving a fair contract.  We too
went on strike 2 years ago, and stood strong against the
administration that hid behind their financial woes.  Together the
members of your association will send a clear message that you are
unified, over 400 members strong, and are being supported by thousands
of colleagues across Canada that will continue to stand together for
the rights you deserve.  With your solidarity this week, you have
shown that you are the bloodline of the university, and should be
treated with respect and fairness that your administration is so happy
to report on their website.  IF they are to be recognized as one of
the finest schools in Canada, then they should treat their employees
who do the “outstanding teaching and exceptional hands-on research
experiences” accordingly. That respect should be brought to the
Table…THAT should be the StFX way.  We stand with you and add our
voices to yours in demanding the negotiation of a fair contract.  We
are sending additional financial support, and we pledge to continue
our support as long as you need it to stand strong and achieve a fair


Please forward our best to Peter, your President, the Negotiating Team
and to all your members from the Brothers and Sisters in Thunder Bay
and Sudbury, Ontario.


In Solidarity,
Yuk-Sem Won
NOSM Faculty and Staff Association
955 Oliver Road
Thunder Bay ON
P7B 5E1


The Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and Staff Association includes part-time faculty, and members of OPSEU Local 677, which is a Local Union consisting of two initial bargaining units.