Support from ABPPUM

We, the Association des bibliothécaires, professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton, find inspiring your strong stand against your administrators’ hard line attitude.


Date: 12 February, 2013 10:17:45 AM AST
To: stfxaut – Distribution List <[email protected]>
Cc: James Tur, Danielle Charron, “Francis A. Weil”, Linda Lequin, Michel Cardin, Pierre Gérin

Subject: Support from ABPPUM

Good morning colleagues,


We, the Association des bibliothécaires, professeures et professeurs de l’Université de Moncton, find inspiring your strong stand against your administrators’ hard line attitude.


Speaking from experience, we know it is not easy to strike but sometimes necessary. Our union became stronger because of it when we had no other choice in 2000 and so should yours.


We sincerely hope that your employer will engage this week in better and more honest negotiations.


Please be assured of our continued financial and moral support.


The Executive of ABPPUM:


Michel Cardin, President

Linda Lequin, Vice-President External

Danielle Charron, Vice-President Internal

Pierre Gérin, Secretary-Treasurer

Francis Weil, President, Unit II (Part-time Faculty)