March 31st:
- Transition of Tenured Assistant Professors: Applicants are required to meet with their Dean prior to applying for associate under this program. Applicants may request to have a representative of the StFXAUT present at this meeting. The purpose of this meeting will be to assist faculty in preparing their application and, if needed, to receive coaching and assistance from the Dean to help invigorate their research program. Potential applicants should meet with their Dean no later than March 31, 2017. (Letter of Understanding #2: Transition of Tenured Assistant Professors;4)
April 10th:
- On the basis of the evidence submitted to, and collected by, the Outstanding Teaching Awards Committee, the Committee shall select the recipients of the Outstanding Teaching Awards by April 10. (Article 2.7.1 University Research/Publication/Teaching Awards:4.8.1)
April 15th:
- Applications for URPTA, based on research or publication, shall be made to the appropriate Dean, at the Faculty members’ initiative, by April 15 of each academic (Article 2.7.1 University Research/Publication/Teaching Awards:3.1)
April 30th:
- The Annual Report shall include a statement of activities for the period from the previous May 1 to April 30. (Article 3.3 Annual Report:2.0)
May 1st:
- Employees who wish to retire shall provide, to the Academic Vice-President & Provost, Dean or Director, notice by January 31 of their intent to retire between May 1 and June 30. For Faculty, it is understood that there will be no effective dates during the Fall or Winter Teaching Terms. (Article 1.14 Retirement:2.0)
May 15th:
- Each librarian shall submit to the University Librarian a copy of an Annual Report of professional activities by May 15 of each (Article 3.3 Annual Report:1.0)
- The Performance Evaluation shall take place by May 15 or the Instructors contract termination date, whichever is (Article 4.6 Performance Evaluation:2.0)
- Applicants will forward their CV and supporting evidence with respect to the above criteria to the Chair of the Rank and Tenure Committee by May 15 of the year in which they wish to (Letter of Understanding #2: Transition of Tenured Assistant Professors;5)
May 31st:
- More specifically, the Chair or Coordinator shall:
- b) in consultation with the Dean of his or her Faculty and with his or her Department/IDP, determine the courses of instruction to be offered by the Department/IDP in each academic year: The Chair /Coordinator shall, by May 31, inform each Faculty member in his/her department/IDP in writing of the Faculty member’s teaching assignment for the forthcoming academic year, after receiving the approval of the Dean for that assignment.
(Article 2.0.2 Chairs of Departments, Coordinators of Interdisciplinary Programs and Assistant Director, School of Nursing:2.3 b))
- All Laboratory Instructors and Senior Laboratory Instructors returning the following academic year shall be given their teaching assignments from their respective Chair, Coordinator, or Director by May 31st. If a changes after the deadline must occur the Instructor and Instructor’s Supervisor must be consulted about the change in assignment as soon as is (Article 4.4 Conditions of Employment:8.2)