Constitution Committees

Communications Committee

Role:  With the direction of the Executive, to inform and educate the membership about and involve the membership in the activities and purposes of the Association; to connect members to the broader issues relevant to labour, equity, and post-secondary education; to manage and regularly update all the channels of communication, both internal and external; and to oversee the communication efforts of the Association staff.

Members:  Six (6), with three (3) elected members for a two-year term, the President of the StFXAUT or a designated representative (who shall serve as Chair), one (1) Association Communications Officer, and one (1) Association staff member. The Association staff member maintains a non-voting status.  The Executive Committee may appoint additional members for defined times as necessary.

Contract & Benefits Committee

Role:  To make recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding the provisions of the Collective Agreement and benefits. To help prepare the Negotiating Team for negotiations and support the Executive and the Negotiating Team during negotiations.

Members:  At least nine (9) with four (4) elected each year for two-year terms, and at least one (1) from the Executive Committee appointed by the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee may appoint additional members for defined time periods, if necessary.

Executive Committee

Role:  To carry out the policies and purposes of the Association.

Members:  Officers of the Association, four Members-at-Large, and a Chief Grievance Officer, as an ex officio, non-voting member.

Grievance Committee

Role:  To ensure the just and equitable treatment and evaluation of Association members; to defend and seek enforcement of all contractual arrangements between the Association and the Employer; and to make recommendations to the Executive. The Committee shall meet at least twice annually.

Members:  The Grievance Committee shall consist of one Chief Grievance Officer appointed by the Executive Committee and will serve as chair of the Grievance Committee. There shall be four (4) other members elected by the membership. Additional members may be appointed by the Executive Committee.  The normal term of office for committee members shall be two (2) years.

Negotiating Team

Role:  To negotiate with the Employer on behalf of the Association those matters previously approved by the StFXAUT Executive after consultation with the members.

Members:  Shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.  A Chief Negotiator appointed by the Executive Committee shall serve as Chair of the Negotiating Team.

Nominations Committee

Role:  To nominate members for election for positions among Officers, the Executive, and on Standing Committees, and, at the request of the Executive Committee, to suggest members to serve on ad hoc committees.

Members:  Three (3) elected members, each for a two-year term.

Social Affairs Committee

Role:  To organise social events for members of the Association, in consultation with the President of the StFXAUT or a designated representative.

Members: Three (3) elected members for three-year terms.

StFXAUT Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Access Committee (EDIA)

Role: In the spirit of justice and reconciliation, the objective of the Committee is to promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and access (EDIA) at StFX. To this end, the committee will prepare recommendations and reports to StFXAUT on EDIA at StFX.

Members:  Five (5) elected members, each for a three-year term, and one (1) member from the Executive Committee appointed by the Executive Committee (ex-officio).