Fair Employment Week

Fair is fair!

More and more academic work is being performed by people hired on a per course or limited term basis. These positions are often poorly paid, have little or no benefits, no job security and no academic freedom. This has serious implications not only for contract academic staff, but for students, their regular academic staff colleagues, and universities and colleges as a whole. The Canadian Association of University Teachers opposes the increasing casualization of academic work and advocates the equal treatment of all academic staff regardless of their employment status.

Each year CAUT and its member associations join with a coalition of unions and activists across North America to organize a week-long series of events for Fair Employment Week (FEW) highlighting the overuse and exploitation of contract academic staff to focus on the issues most relevant to them, and to organize events appropriate to their situation. In previous years, the campaign has had a positive impact on negotiations and increased contract academic staff involvement in associations.


Organizing tips for Fair Employment Week.

Stronger Together Brochure.

Click here to sign the open letter to college and university presidents.

Click here to see if your academic staff association is hosting an event.

Download campaign materials to help make your FEW event a success.

FEW_AcademicFreedom FEW_ApplyForEI FEW_UnderAttackUnderfunding

FEW_FairWage FEW_DecentWage FEW_StudentLearningConditions

FEW_LibraryCard FEW_FairWorkingConditions FEW_OfficeSpace