M. Nicholson- concern over alumni letter

As a St. FX alumnus and a member of the STFXAUT I object to the administration’s use of the alumni mailing list to further its one-sided  arguments leaving the AUT without the possibility of responding in kind. As well as unfair practise, does this not also represent a conflict of interest? —————————- To:  Alumni, markandmarn, orisinidiane, maureenmck50, me, frasery.31, rhondamcinnis As a […]

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Sue Adams- response to alumni letter

Dear Mr. Lang,   I’m writing as a three-time alumna of St.F.X. and as a loyal supporter who has over the years donated substantial sums to my alma mater.   I was very troubled by the message sent to alumni on January 29 and further reported in the Chronicle Herald this morning.  I feel it was […]

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J. Egan- Concern over alumni office message

As an alumni and current graduate student I want to make it clear that I am extremely disappointed by emails and media postings from both you and the University administration this past week. The message portrayed in emails and interviews conducted by the media has shown a defensive and in some cases even manipulative and […]

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Support from NOSMFSA for StFXAUT

As President of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine Faculty and Staff Association (NOSMFSA) I would like to send support and solidarity to the members of StFx Association of University Teachers. We understand the actions your membership have taken in order to support your negotiating team in achieving a fair contract. ——————————————————— From: Yuk-Sem Won […]

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Message of Solidarity to StFXAUT President Peter McInnis from Nova Scotia Federation of Labour President Rick Clarke

I note in media reports that following your meeting with university President Sean Riley, there has been ‘some’ movement in the process in that you will be soon be returning to the table to resume formal negotiations; and we wish you good luck and successful bargaining. ————————- Message of Solidarity to St. Francis Xavier Association of […]

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Member update 3; 1 February 2013 re: Solidarity Rally

MEMBER UPDATE February 1, 2013   More than 350 union members, students and community supporters converged on Chisholm Park this afternoon for the StFXAUT’s first Friday Solidarity Rally.   Thirty fly-in and drive-in pickets from across Canada and the Atlantic Provinces came to personally express their solidarity on behalf of their faculty associations, and to […]

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Member update 2; 1 February 2013

MEMBER UPDATE February 1, 2013      It’s just been confirmed our full negotiating team will restart negotiations at 2 pm today. StFXAUT president Peter McInnis said, “We hope this will lead to constructive dialogue which will lead to a fair and just collective agreement.” You can follow ongoing developments in the strike on the […]

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Member update; 1 February 2013

MEMBER UPDATE February 1, 2013 Day 5 on the picket line.     Yesterday’s request for an informal meeting from the university administration is a sign that the strike and the support we’ve been receiving are having a positive impact.   A recent letter to X alumni has created a backlash condemning the one-sided portrayal […]

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