UPDATE: No deal reached, X strike continues

PRESS RELEASE/MEMBER UPDATE February 7, 2013   No deal reached, X strike continues   The strike by academic workers at StFX will continue after university administrators rejected the StfXAUT’s contract proposals this afternoon and walked away from the table.   According to AUT president Peter McInnis, “The university’s so-called improved offer still falls far short […]

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MEMBER UPDATE; February 7, 2013 re: contract talks

MEMBER UPDATE February 7, 2013 As we enter the 11th day of our strike for a fair contract, the StFXAUT negotiating team is preparing to meet with university administrators again this morning at 11 for more contract talks. The two sides are still discussing the counter proposals presented by the union at yesterday’s meeting. “The […]

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Update: Talks end for the night

MEMBER UPDATE February 6, 2013   Talks end for the night   The StFXAUT negotiating team met again this evening with university administrators to hear the university’s response to the revised proposals presented by our negotiating team this afternoon. Both sides have agreed to reconvene tomorrow, February 7th, in the late morning for further discussions. […]

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Support for StFXAUT from UOITFA

Support for StFXAUT from UOITFA.  The UOITFA sends you our support and best wishes for a speedy just settlement.  We know that it’s tough sloughing but it would be worse to settle for a collective agreement that is regressive.     ————————————– From: S. Van Nuland Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 5:11 PM To: stfxaut Subject: Support […]

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Solidarity and support from Lakehead University Faculty Association.

Solidarity and support from Lakehead University Faculty Association. ” Lakehead University Faculty Association would like to send you strike support.” —————————————-     From: Lakehead University Faculty Association Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 11:43 AM To: stfxaut Subject: Strike support Hello Lakehead University Faculty Association would like to send you strike support, please let me know […]

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Solidarity from Mount Allison

Hello from Mount Allison, Just wanted to let you know that we are in solidarity with you here and we wish you the very best for your ongoing strike action.  Stay strong and know that you have support from all over! ———————————–   From: Helen Pridmore Sent: Monday, February 04, 2013 10:04 PM To: stfxaut Subject: […]

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