More on Final Offer Arbitration – A Bad Idea in Every Respect

More on Final Offer Arbitration – A Bad Idea in Every Respect On Friday, February 8, the Executive Committee of the StFX Board of Governors wrote to inquire whether the StFXAUT would accede to either accepting the administration’s contract offer of February 7, or alternatively, to engage in Interest Arbitration – Final Offer Selection. After […]

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StFXAUT Bargaining Bulletin Issue 11, February 2013

The purpose of this Bargaining Bulletin is to provide some insight into the series of events at the negotiating table since we commenced job action on January 28th. Between Thursday, January 31st, and Thursday, February 7th, there were eight, often lengthy, meetings between the StFXAUT and the Administration.   You can read the entire bulletin […]

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Robin Vose: Solidarity from FAUST

  From: Robin Vose Date: 6 February, 2013 1:49:48 PM AST To: Peter McInnis Subject: on our way! Hi Peter, Hope this reaches you, not sure if there are alternative emails being used during the strike… I will be coming down for the CAUT flying picket on Friday and look forward to seeing you then. We are watching […]

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Keep strong! Support from David L. Fleiger, PhD

Having read yesterday’s report of misleading information (exaggerations & “dirty tactics”) being played out by the administration’s negotiating team, I’m grieved and saddened beyond words. I was at one time on staff as an assistant professor in the late 6o’ties and early 70’ties, as well am a graduate of ’56 Arts ( English Major) & […]

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MEMBER UPDATE #2 February 8, 2013 FINAL OFFER ARBITRATION A BAD OPTION FOR AUT AUT members received correspondence today from X President Sean Riley regarding the use of Final Offer Arbitration as an option to settle the strike. The AUT has conferred with several legal and industrial relations experts and they have strongly advised against […]

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Peter McInnis, President StFXAUT, response to Dr. Riley’s recent letter

From: Peter McInnis Sent: February-08-13 3:47 PM To: Dr. Sean Riley Cc: [email protected] Subject: Response to Riley Letter 8 February 2013 Dr. Riley: Your letter of today is deeply disappointing and bodes ill for a satisfactory and timely resolution of our contract differences. Members of StFXAUT are on strike because the University has consistently failed […]

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Notice for members re: Solidarity Supper

SOLIDARITY SUPPER TONIGHT   A few notes regarding tonight’s Solidarity Supper from the AUT social affairs committee.Musically inclined members are invited to contribute to tonight’s entertainment — so bring your instruments and singing voices!The meal tonight will be chili. Both meat and vegetarian options are available, and the vegetarian version will be both gluten-free and […]

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  MEMBER UPDATE/PRESS RELEASE February 8, 2013 The StFXAUT Executive say the Association’s negotiating team is prepared to return to the table anytime to meet with administrators to resolve the 12 day strike. “The difference between us may seem small overall,” said AUT president Peter McInnis, “but it is significant to individual union members.” For […]

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Member update; 8 February re: negotiations

MEMBER UPDATE February 8, 2013 Despite the breakdown in talks yesterday, StFXAUT members are back on the picket line today with new resolve to secure a fair agreement and change the culture of entitlement at X. “The administration’s efforts to obstruct the membership and its unwillingness to invest in academic workers at X is having […]

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