Noteworthy Dates June 2024

Please note the following deadlines and dates of interest in the 6th Collective Agreement June 30 Sixth Collective Agreement expires June 30, 2026. Employees who wish to retire shall provide, to the Academic Vice-President & Provost, Dean or Director, notice by August 31 of their intent to retire between May 1 and June 30 of the following […]

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CAUT Dedicated Service Award Recipients 2024

Very pleased to report that StFXAUT members Ken MacAulay, Mary Oxner, and Bruce Sparks have been selected as recipients of the CAUT Dedicated Service Award. The CAUT Dedicated Service Award was established in 2003 to recognize individuals for exceptional service to their faculty associations. Recipients are nominated by their association. Please follow the link to […]

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Noteworthy dates May 2024

Please note the following deadlines and dates of interest in the 6th Collective Agreement (CA) May 31st: More specifically, the Chair or Coordinator shall: b) in consultation with the Dean of their Faculty and with their Department/IDP, determine the courses of instruction to be offered by the Department/IDP in each academic year: The CCD shall, by May […]

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Statement of Solidarity

The Executive Committee of the St. Francis Xavier University Association of University Teachers supports the rights of students to free expression and peaceful assembly on university and college campuses. Post-secondary institutions must be places where open debate and dialogue are fostered, and thus we call on the administrations of Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University, […]

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September 2023 Bargaining update

Today, September 7, 2023 marks 433 days since the Fifth Collective Agreement between the StFXAUT and the Board of Governors of StfX University expired. Where do things stand? Read today’s Bargaining Bulletin and find out!

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The StFXAUT Book Prize is awarded to graduating students who demonstrate a commitment to social justice advocacy and community development on campus or in the community. Each student was presented with cash award of $200 and two books. This award is officially acknowledged on students’ StFX University transcripts. The StFXAUT would like to congratulate the […]

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CAUT Librarians’ and Archivists’ Conference: Collective Resistance: Academic Librarians and Archivists Taking Action

This article, written by Grace Bourret, Diversity Outreach and Engagement Librarian, appears in the Fall 2022 issue of The StFXAUT Beacon. Introduction The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) 2022 Librarians’ and Archivists’ Conference took place in Ottawa and online on October 21-22, 2022. The theme of this year’s conference was Collective Resistance to tackle […]

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Fall 2022 President’s Message

Dear StFXAUT Members, This issue of the Beacon features an interview with StFX Alumna Dr. Lisa Gillis (’94), a hospitalist at St. Martha’s, and reflections on the recent CAUT Librarians’ and Archivists’ Conference and the 2022 Fair Employment Week. Also included are overviews of StFXAUT donations and strike support, and another challenging True-or-False quiz on […]

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Alumna Shout-out: Dr. Lisa Gillis

This interview, written by Philip Girvan, StFXAUT Communications Officer, appears in the Fall 2022 edition of The Beacon. The Beacon regularly features interviews with StFX University Alumni on the topic of their relationships with StFXAUT Members who challenged, inspired, or helped in some way. This issue’s interview is with Dr. Lisa Gillis (B.Sc.‘94). The Beacon: […]

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A Culture of Entitlement at StFX

Please find linked [PDF] the StFXAUT Bulletin, “Culture of Entitlement @ StFX” outlining the exorbitant spending on administration at StFX that led to the more than doubling of overall compensation for senior administration over the past 10 years, and comparing it to the moderate increases in compensation costs for AUT Members. As per the final […]

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