Member Update, 3 February, 2013; Negotiations update

MEMBER UPDATE February 3, 2013   StFXAUT chief negotiator Brad Long and executive member Mary Oxner were back at the table Sunday afternoon to discuss various elements of our contract requests with university negotiators. The discussion focused on the retirement incentive and other issues. The administration has committed to table a complete package on Tuesday, […]

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MEMBER UPDATE February 3, 2013 WEATHER ADVISORY: URGENT The StFXAUT is issuing a weather advisory to all striking members for Monday February 4, 2013. Please read the Environment Canada blizzard warning below, and the instructions to picket teams, drivers, HQ staff, and the kitchen team that follow.   Environment Canada blizzard warning: “Blizzard conditions expected […]

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T. Cameron- response to alumni letter

Dear Fellow Alumni,   My letter to respond to alumni association letter:   Having just read your message, I felt the need to protest. Your recent message regarding the current strike at our alma mater gives the impression that the alumni of StFXU side with the administration rather than the striking faculty. In my case, […]

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J. Doiron: Alumni response re: strike

I am writing in response to the email which I had received about the ongoing strike at X. As a StFX alumni, I was shocked to read this email which has essentially placed blame on the instructors at StFX for the cancellation of classes and encourages us to believe that StFX administation is ‘committed to […]

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M. Moeller: You have my support

Brothers and Sisters:   Stay strong and do not let anything stand in the way of helping your less fortunate members, and improve your lives.   Society has lost its way in properly teaching our communities of the value of education.  “Incorrect” information flowing from the media has damaged thinking for ourselves. That is what […]

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Dispelling the Myths

Myth: Professors are “greedy” making on average $147,000 a year (MacLeans Magazine, 2012) Facts: l professors spend about 12 years in post-secondary education and trainingl when they start, they’re usually in their mid to late 30s or 40s and normally make a starting salary of $64,114 only rising to the upper ranges later in their […]

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What is the Academic Mission?

What is the Academic Mission?   The academic mission is about preserving and supporting faculty and all the people and resources that help ensure the success of our students and of our research programs. It is also about future investment, including human investment. Our academic mission is the provision of a learning environment that encourages […]

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C. Tellum, Class of ’92; response to alumni letter

Letter sent to the Office of Alumni Affairs in response to their message:   Dear Fellow Alumni,     Having just read your message, I felt the need to protest. Your recent message regarding the current strike at our alma mater gives the impression that the alumni of StFXU side with the administration rather than […]

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M. Nicholson- concern over alumni letter

As a St. FX alumnus and a member of the STFXAUT I object to the administration’s use of the alumni mailing list to further its one-sided  arguments leaving the AUT without the possibility of responding in kind. As well as unfair practise, does this not also represent a conflict of interest? —————————- To:  Alumni, markandmarn, orisinidiane, maureenmck50, me, frasery.31, rhondamcinnis As a […]

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Sue Adams- response to alumni letter

Dear Mr. Lang,   I’m writing as a three-time alumna of St.F.X. and as a loyal supporter who has over the years donated substantial sums to my alma mater.   I was very troubled by the message sent to alumni on January 29 and further reported in the Chronicle Herald this morning.  I feel it was […]

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