Letter to Board of Governors & Ratationale for Continued Job Action

From: Peter McInnis Sent: February-11-13 9:02 PM To: Elizabeth McGibbon; Margo Watt; Jim Bickerton; ‘Michael Steinitz Subject: StFXAUT Rationale for Continued Job Action Dear StFX BoG representatives: The Executive Committee of the StFXAUT has directed me to forward this letter intended to inform you, and your fellow Board members, of the perspective of the Association […]

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MEMBER UPDATE: February 12, 2013

MEMBER UPDATE February 12, 2013 StFXAUT members headed back to the picket lines today to begin the third week in our strike for a fair and equitable contract, and to begin two new initiatives for our students. The Unionversity opens today and will remain open until the end of the strike. Rachel Hurst and other […]

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Member notice: 11 February 2013

NOTICES February 11, 2013 StFXAUT members are encouraged to show their support for several important community events going on in town this week.   As part of Pride Week activities, on Thursday, February 14, there will be a talk by Dr. Gary Kinsman from the Sociology Department of Laurentian University on Queering History: Activism, National […]

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MEMBER UPDATE: February 11, 2013

MEMBER UPDATE February 11, 2013   A powerful winter storm on the weekend has prevented picketing today, however, AUT members will be back on the picket lines tomorrow to begin the third week of our strike for a just and equitable contract.   Just a reminder, Bargaining Bulletin #11 is now available on the StFXAUT […]

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Solidarity from Mount Allison

Solidarity from Mount Allison- Just wanted to let you know that we are in solidarity with you here and we wish you the very best for your ongoing strike action.  Stay strong and know that you have support from all over! ——————————– From: Helen Pridmore   Date: 4 February, 2013 10:04:46 PM AST   To: […]

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PRESS RELEASE- February 11, 2013; Who is valued at X – administrators!

PRESS RELEASE February 11, 2013 Who is valued at X – administrators! Senior administrators at St. Francis Xavier University claim the dismal financial situation they are facing is the result of government cutbacks and declining enrollments. According to the StFX Association of University Teachers (StFXAUT), however, administrators have consistently refused to acknowledge and take responsibility […]

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More on Final Offer Arbitration – A Bad Idea in Every Respect

More on Final Offer Arbitration – A Bad Idea in Every Respect On Friday, February 8, the Executive Committee of the StFX Board of Governors wrote to inquire whether the StFXAUT would accede to either accepting the administration’s contract offer of February 7, or alternatively, to engage in Interest Arbitration – Final Offer Selection. After […]

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StFXAUT Bargaining Bulletin Issue 11, February 2013

The purpose of this Bargaining Bulletin is to provide some insight into the series of events at the negotiating table since we commenced job action on January 28th. Between Thursday, January 31st, and Thursday, February 7th, there were eight, often lengthy, meetings between the StFXAUT and the Administration.   You can read the entire bulletin […]

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