The Value of Service Work

Written by Mathias Nilges, this article first appeared in the Winter 2016 edition of The Beacon One of the unwritten rules of fine dining is that good service be prompt, attentive, and competent and at the same time practically invisible. The less one notices the service, in other words, while feeling expertly taken care of, […]

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Contract & Benefits Committee Update

Written by Cory Bishop, this article originally appeared in the Winter 2016 edition of The Beacon Your StFXAUT Contract and Benefits Committee is pleased to provide a brief update on where we are and where we are going with regard to the upcoming negotiations for the Fourth Collective Agreement. First, a warm thank you to […]

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Issues impacting Part-Time Academic Instructors

Written by Philip Girvan, this article first appeared in the Winter 2016 edition of The Beacon. Canadian post-secondary institutions have become increasingly dependent on temporary or Contract Academic Staff (CAS). CAUT director of research and political action, Sylvain Schetagne, notes in the October 2015 issue of the CAUT/ACPPU Bulletin, that “[m]ore than 30 per cent of […]

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President’s Message

Written by Brad Long, this article first appeared in the Winter 2016 edition of The Beacon. I’m pleased to once again introduce our quarterly Beacon to all of our members. I hope you find this to be an informative and engaging vehicle for coming together in this collective enterprise we call the StFXAUT. Since our last […]

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Thriving in the Age of Austerity: The CAUT Forum for Indigenous Faculty 2015

Written by Robyn Bourgeois, this article first appeared in the Fall 2015 edition of The Beacon. On November 6th and 7th, 2015, the CAUT held a forum for indigenous Faculty in Winnipeg, the epicenter for urban indigeneity in contemporary Canadian society. Organized around the theme “Thriving in the Age of Austerity,” this forum provided indigenous Faculty […]

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Alumni Shoutout – Christine Johnson

This interview was originally published in the Fall 2015 edition of The Beacon. Photo of Christine Johnson. Photo Credit Tammy Briand. The Beacon regularly features interviews with StFX University Alumni on the topic of their relationships with StFXAUT members who challenged, inspired, or helped in some way. This issue’s interview is with Christine Johnson (BSc ‘00). Christine Johnson: […]

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Getting to Know You: Dr. Robyn Bourgeois

This profile of Dr. Robin Bourgeois originally appeared in the Fall 2015 edition of The Beacon. Getting to Know You:  Dr. Robyn Bourgeois joins Coady’s Indigenous Women in Community Leadership Program “A nation is not conquered until the hearts of the women are on the ground. Then it’s done no matter how strong the warriors or how […]

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October 19-25 is Open Access Week

Post written by Lise Brin, Scholarly Communications Librarian at Angus L. Macdonald Library. Academic institutions worldwide will be celebrating Open Access Week this week. Here is what we have planned at StFX: All week: Posters, buttons and information sheets at the Angus L. Macdonald Library and the Nicholson 8th floor lounge Monday-Friday: OA factoids via the Library’s Twitter […]

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Alumni Shoutout – James Smeaton

This interview with James Smeaton, CEO & Creative Director of Highland Multimedia, conducted by StFXAUT Communications Officer Philip Girvan, originally appeared in the Summer 2015 Edition of The Beacon. Philip: Please tell us about yourself. James: My name is James Smeaton and I live in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. I run a business called Highland Multimedia […]

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Appreciations for the Equity Summit

Written by Brad Long On September 26, 2015 the university hosted the first Equity Summit, bringing approximately 75 delegates from across campus together to discuss ideas and issues relating to equity on campus. Full disclosure: I was an invited delegate but was unable to attend, and therefore I am not able to report on the […]

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