CAUT Dedicated Service Award Recipients 2024

Very pleased to report that StFXAUT members Ken MacAulay, Mary Oxner, and Bruce Sparks have been selected as recipients of the CAUT Dedicated Service Award. The CAUT Dedicated Service Award was established in 2003 to recognize individuals for exceptional service to their faculty associations. Recipients are nominated by their association. Please follow the link to […]

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Noteworthy dates May 2024

Please note the following deadlines and dates of interest in the 6th Collective Agreement (CA) May 31st: More specifically, the Chair or Coordinator shall: b) in consultation with the Dean of their Faculty and with their Department/IDP, determine the courses of instruction to be offered by the Department/IDP in each academic year: The CCD shall, by May […]

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Statement of Solidarity

The Executive Committee of the St. Francis Xavier University Association of University Teachers supports the rights of students to free expression and peaceful assembly on university and college campuses. Post-secondary institutions must be places where open debate and dialogue are fostered, and thus we call on the administrations of Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University, […]

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